(click ganyu to continue!)

(mostly) hourly ganyu posts!most posts are done with a bot (cheap bots done quick) so there may be repeats.posts in game and official art only, rts fanart.this is not a roleplay account, so please do not treat it as such.ganyu hate in qrts or anything isn't appreciated at all, and will earn a block.submissions are welcome in dms, I'll post them with credit to the account sending it unless specified otherwise.nsfw content will not be posted here, so do not submit it either. (if you do you probably will be blocked)

you can call admin by admin/mod or anything along those lines :)admin uses they/star/rock!ganyu is a huge comfort character for admin! so feel free to talk about her with them (◠‿◠)admin also runs @hourlykokomimi & @dailyfocalor

submissions are welcome in dms, I'll post them with credit to the account sending it unless specified asked otherwise.please limit the amount of photos you submit by 4 per submission.you can send me your art/edits in submissions as a link or via @'ing my account in the original post.nsfw content in any form will not be posted on this account, so please don't try to submit it.feel free to crop out your UID in photos you submit, but please don't ask me to crop it out for you. (genshin has an auto function that allows you to disable your UID being added to the photo, please take advantage of this feature if you are uncomfortable posting your UID anywhere.)you can submit photos of ganyu with other characters / in quests and/or events. I may delay posting quest pictures by a few days in case there's a chance of spoiling a large amount of people.